New Year’s resolutions for a more caring attitude

diciembre 15, 2022

New Year’s resolutions for a more caring attitude

2023 is around the corner, and you know what it means: time to write down your New Year’s resolutions! There’s something about new beginnings that motivate us to do better. And although most people's resolutions have to do with losing weight and quitting a bad habit, the truth is that a lot also aim to become a better person.

So if you want to adopt a more caring attitude this new year, here we give you some ideas of resolutions you can copy:

Practice gratitude

Did you know that practicing gratitude helps you generate endorphins? So start now! Keep a notebook near your bed and start each day by listing at least 3 things you are grateful for. It could be as simple as “waking up” or “getting a hot shower”.

Spend more time with your loved ones

We never know how much time we have left with our loved ones, so take advantage! Try to make time each week to check in with your family and friends. You don’t have to make a trip, a phone call will do…


Find a charity or an organization that you like and volunteer one time a month. You don’t have to donate money, your time sometimes is the most valuable thing you can give. Invite your friends to join and make a day out of it!

Support local businesses

Try to change the way you consume things this new year. For example, ditch the mass-produced companies and start buying from local artisans, like Azul Mejicano! Your purchase includes a percentage for Oaxacan orphan kids… 

Be more friendly

Sometimes we’re so caught up in our own world that we forget that there are people all around us that could use a friendly treatment. So start smiling at strangers in the street, wishing your Uber driver a nice day, and holding the door for the elder. 

Adopt a pet

Help a furry friend in need and adopt a dog or a cat this 2023. Both of you will certainly be happier. Adopting a pet will give you more sense of responsibility and caregiving. 

Become greener

Start being more sustainable by buying organic products, saying goodbye to plastics, and recycling whenever you can. Taking care of our planet is good for everyone, so try to make better decisions when it comes to sustainability this new year.

What other resolutions can you think of to become a more caring person?

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