Alicia Pinacho

marzo 03, 2021

Alicia Pinacho

Alicia comes from the Sierra Sur Miahuatlán de Porfirio Díaz, a small town 65 miles away from the city of Oaxaca. Just like other artisans of Azul Mejicano, she is part of the Amatlán group, who are recognized for the quality of their embroidery in handcrafted products made of palm tree leaves.

Like most Oaxacan artisans, Alicia started embroidering at age of 12 and weaving at 20, how could she not have high quality products after so many years of experience?

Alicia's eyes are light up by joy, hope and love for what she does. Like many of us, she loves the local gastronomy, including the now famous mezcal. Which’s her favorite? A mezcal aged with orange for 6 months in a place she calls home.

Some of the products from Azul Mejicano are made by Alicia’s hands, and she will be directly supported by your purchase and donations.

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