5 Mexican crafts that invite you to discover the culture

October 27, 2022

5 Mexican crafts that invite you to discover the culture

There are many ways to truly understand the culture of a country. When we talk about Mexico, many experience the culture through its food, its landscapes, its people, its traditions, and its art. We believe that this last one is very important. The art and crafts that the Mexican people make are amazing. 

Throughout the country, some artisans dedicate their life to building beautiful pieces. Here we tell you about 5 Mexican crafts that you should discover to know the culture a little bit better: 


Also known as ceramics, the “barro” is found from the north to the south of Mexico. It is the art of transforming earth into clay. In Mexico, different communities work the clay in their own way. Some artisans make green clay, and others produce it black. Regardless of the color, they end up as beautiful and unique pieces of plates, casseroles, pitchers, cups, pots, and other home products. 


They were invented by Pedro Linares, a paper maché artist that fell sick and had hallucinations where he saw combined animals like a frog with a rooster head, a rat with a snake tail, a donkey with wings, and other outstanding creatures that told him they were alebrijes. Now we see these art pieces in every size and made from every material. They are characteristically colorful and very fun. 

Palm weaving 

The palm weaving craft is without a doubt one of the most popular all across the country. You can find in local markets and even online amazing finds like handmade bags, rugs, hats, baskets, and home decorations. The true value of this art is the process. Oaxacan artisans harvest wild palm leaves to dry them and get the iconic beige color. Then they boil them, so they can be soft enough to manipulate. Finally, they braid them into incredible pieces. Sometimes they add natural pigment to make them even more wonderful. Here at Azul Mejicano we support Oaxacan women that make handbags to provide for their families. 


Mexican textile is a whole world. One of its most iconic crafts is the sarape. It is a garment that is worn like a poncho. It is for the cold, and it is usually made out of wool or cotton in wood looms. The process is extremely meticulous. The artisans that make the sarape possible are truly one of a kind. 

Huichol pieces

This art is made by indigenous people from Nayarit and Jalisco. There are pieces that represent the religion and cosmovision of the Wixarika community. The most iconic thing about the huichol art is that it is very striking and colorful. 

What other Mexican craft would you like us to talk about?

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